Zachary A. Martz

Pokémon Sun & Moon

pokemon sun and moon NINTENDO WORLD NYC
| #pokemon #nintendo #sunandmoon
| So excited today to go and purchase Pokemon Sun & Moon at Nintendo World NYC with my friend Andrew and my boyfriend Angel.

Pokemon Pilgrimage

This little pilgrimage to Rockefeller Center has been done a total of 3 times for Pokemon with my Friend Andrew (@thehoursofayres). Every adventure we scope out the Nintendo World and giggle and the cute and silly merch that is in-store. This time around we had an extra set of hand to take a photo of us in front of the Sun & Moon Island map, behind the starter Pokemon. As a result of our silly photo we started a chain of 20-somethings striking silly poses expressing their love for the world of Pokemon. Andrew and I both bought Pokemon Moon version.

Post Play Follow-up

WOW! Love, love, loved! The format of the game, corny moments, design style, and story were just spot on! So many features are packed in, it’s a bit overwhelming to keep up, but even harder to put down. Pokemon Sun & Moon has set a new standard for the Pokemon franchise and it can only get better. My Pokemon Sun & Moon starter was the Grass and Flying type Rowlet.

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