iPhone 5 with IOS7-Beta2 | I admit defeat…

My iPhone 4 finally bit it and althought I know there will probably be an announcement for iPhone 6 within days now that I bought a 5… but oh well…  I just want to say I actually love the multitasking, the ability to have one screen with all my apps, and the way my battery […]

Jul 3, 2013

Home > Blog > Design > iPhone 5 with IOS7-Beta2 | I admit defeat…

My iPhone 4 finally bit it and althought I know there will probably be an announcement for iPhone 6 within days now that I bought a 5… but oh well… 

I just want to say I actually love the multitasking, the ability to have one screen with all my apps, and the way my battery has been extended… otherwise IOS7 = “meh”

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Zachary A. Martz
