Oysters & The 4th of July Park Day That Wasn’t

On a not-so-typical Fourth of July, I gathered Angel, my parents, and our dog Dyson for lunch… we soon found ourselves shucking oysters

Jul 4, 2021

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On a not-so-typical Fourth of July, I gathered Angel, my parents, and our dog Dyson for lunch. By way of celebration, we soon found ourselves shucking oysters on a park bench at the local Upper Merion Township Park, picnicking with some icy shrimp cocktail and a loaf of focaccia.

After walking Dyson around the park, letting him take in the scenery, it began to rain. You know what they say about the best-laid plans, even if it is a holiday weekend! Weather rarely accounts for schedules, either. So we ran back to our spread, packed up the picnic, and hightailed it back to the car. We’d just closed the doors when the sky really opened up and the downpour fell, swift and torrential. Oysters and a summer rainstorm—happy birthday, America!

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Zachary A. Martz
