

The Magic Kingdom

The Magic Kingdom My First day in Orlando Florida to visit all the Disney theme parks. Just checking in to get my tickets for the weekend with Michael before I head to a surprise breakfast… something or other… | ? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Relaxing at Five Leaves

Relaxing at Five Leaves Probably one of the most famous restaurants in North Brooklyn, 5Leaves sits on the border of Greenpoint and Williamsburg, at the North West corner of Mc Carren park. I went simple and had a cheese burger (of course) and it was up...

Party mouse/duck

| Just some funny #Disney fun with my Donald Duck skinned Mickey Mouse Ears. | Original party photo by see it on his website =  | ⭐️? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Two Boys Kissing

This book was a was pretty good for many reasons, not to mention being an easy read and for YA literature it is pretty grounded. The book is a good fictional view on real issues that young gays face. Touching on everything from coming out to...

Feeling Donald Ducky

Feeling Donald Ducky I know this is so cliché but I really do have “the best” friends! Thank you to Andrew Ayres for picking me up these Donald Duck skinned Micky Mouse ears from Disneyland in California. Further Adding to my Donald Duck Collection! | ???...

ZAM87 Bedroom Typography

I am so excited to have type this big hanging on my wall! Especially since it fits my theme of Gold (ish) and White! If you would like to buy your own here is the link on Crate & Barrel. | ?? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Nights - night? Night out with the guys in the Eastvillage. Sadly we did not get to goto all the parties I had scooped out but at least I was able to see Andrew Ayres working the door at Webster Hall. He have me this awesome Donald Duck skinned Mickey mouse ears!...