
Donald Duck d-torso from Kinokuniya NYC | A super fun mini project that I picked up on a random excursion to Kinokuniya NYC. You all know how I LOVE my Donald Duck! You can buy your own here at the d-torso JP Outlet. | ??? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Donald Duck d-torso from Kinokuniya NYC | A super fun mini project that I picked up on a random excursion to Kinokuniya NYC. You all know how I LOVE my Donald Duck! You can buy your own here at the d-torso JP Outlet. | ??? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Bryant Park Break with Mikey

| Just a quick run to some Japanese stores in NYC today for some research and inspiration seaking. Plus what a beautiful day to walk all the street fairs in NYC. | ☀️☕️? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Happy NYC Pride 2014

| Hoping everyone has a fun and safe NYC Pride Weekend! The official nycpride website for all that is happening this weekend : http://www.nycpride.org Facebook Event Info: Pride Fest  Pride March Summer Camp Pride VIP Rooftop...