extrafirmhold: NASA rebrand by Base Design for viewpoint magazine (via jarredbishop). OH GOD – I get WET for a good rebrand, especially fake ones (addicted to the student version of Brand New). This reminds me somewhat of the title design for ‘Up’. Such a simple idea, but so damn beautiful when placed into context. “THERE” […]

Jun 2, 2010



NASA rebrand by Base Design for viewpoint magazine (via jarredbishop). OH GOD – I get WET for a good rebrand, especially fake ones (addicted to the student version of Brand New). This reminds me somewhat of the title design for ‘Up’. Such a simple idea, but so damn beautiful when placed into context.

“THERE” implies that our home is bigger than just Earth—space is no longer there, it’s here. We also like the fact that “THERE” contains the entire journey in a single word

Think i’m gonna start spending the odd weekend doing some more fake redesigns. Which is great, because at 25, hangovers are starting to outweigh the fun you have drinking… BAHAAHAHAHA… could not keep a straight face while I typed that. Oh Jackie Boy… *swirls martini glass*

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Zachary A. Martz
