On Etiquette … and forks.

Great Little Read Manners. Etiquette. They are different, but they both have a lot to do with forks. Etiquette tells one which fork to use and manners tell one how to deal with a boorish slob once he’s used a salad fork to eat his steak. If you don’t know the difference between a salad […]

Jun 9, 2010

Home > Blog > Other > On Etiquette … and forks.

Great Little Read

Manners. Etiquette. They are different, but they both have a lot to do with forks. Etiquette tells one which fork to use and manners tell one how to deal with a boorish slob once he’s used a salad fork to eat his steak.

If you don’t know the difference between a salad fork and steak fork, it’s because there is no difference. Also there is no such thing as a steak fork… that is, until you use your salad fork to eat a steak. Then it’s a steak fork.

Once the steak is finished, the steak fork becomes another type of fork altogether. The Wrong Fork. That’s my favorite type of fork to use. The wrong fork is so versatile. Equally adept at picking up lettuce as it is at opening a jar of pickles.

But Etiquette can’t be all about forks right? A quick Wikipedia search reveals that sadly, yes. it is. Etiquette is all about forks.

The fork. It’s a big deal. Which fork do I use? When do I use it? How many forks should i have? On which side of the plate should I put how many forks?


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Zachary A. Martz
