Uccello Rosso

Featured work by Miles DeCoster Associate Professor in the Communication Design Department at Kutztown University Studio artist at the GoggleWorks in Reading, Pennsylvania President of the Nation of Nezúmi Founding member of the Philadelphia Union Miles DeCoster is a visual artist who works in a variety of mediums – painting, drawing, printmaking, artists’ books, photography, […]

Nov 8, 2010

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Featured work by Miles DeCoster

  • Associate Professor in the Communication Design Department at Kutztown University
  • Studio artist at the GoggleWorks in Reading, Pennsylvania
  • President of the Nation of Nezúmi
  • Founding member of the Philadelphia Union

Miles DeCoster is a visual artist who works in a variety of mediums – painting, drawing, printmaking, artists’ books, photography, filmmaking, web design and other digital media. He received a bachelor of fine arts degree from the School of Fine Arts at Washington University in St. Louis and a master of fine arts degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His work is rarely shown and widely ignored, but he keeps at it nonetheless, as that is what artists do.

Miles DeCoster è un artista visivo che lavora in una grande varietà di medium – pittura, disegno, incisione, libri d ‘artista, fotografia, cinema, web design e altri media digitali. Ha ricevuto un laurea di belle arti alla Scuola di Belle Arti della Washington University di St. Louis e un maestro di belle arti di laurea della Scuola di Art Institute di Chicago. Il suo lavoro è raramente esposte e ampiamente ignorato, ma che ha a che tuttavia, come questo è ciò che gli artisti fanno.

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Zachary A. Martz
