wsjselect: CAMO CASUAL by wsjselect on Polyvore While business can be stuck in a suite scene, it is a relief when Friday comes around and you can show a little style. Don’t worry about over doing it, choose one article of clothing to show a little POP.  A great fall trend this season can help […]

Oct 19, 2012



While business can be stuck in a suite scene, it is a relief when Friday comes around and you can show a little style. Don’t worry about over doing it, choose one article of clothing to show a little POP.
A great fall trend this season can help you out. Use a CAMO print sweater to feature a pattern but also keeps you from looking flamboyant.
Also wear a nice dark, grey or black, straight or skinny cut, pair of denim. This will allow you to dress a bit more comfortable, while still looking professional.

I made this set ^_^ – ZAM

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Zachary A. Martz
