High Line residents ~ Advantages of living in a Goldfish Bowl!

Ever since the High Line’s opening in June 2009 many of it’s longstanding  residents have found that they have constant breaches in privacy… or at least what we like to call the “Goldfish-Bowl-Effect”. However, in typical NYC fashion some find a way take advantage of their lack of Privacy and the thousands of tourist that pass by […]

Apr 28, 2013

Home > Blog > Lifestyle > High Line residents ~ Advantages of living in a Goldfish Bowl!

Ever since the High Line’s opening in June 2009 many of it’s longstanding  residents have found that they have constant breaches in privacy… or at least what we like to call the “Goldfish-Bowl-Effect”.

However, in typical NYC fashion some find a way take advantage of their lack of Privacy and the thousands of tourist that pass by their windows, patios, and verandas each day.

Case-and-point this resourceful resident selling some unwanted furniture. Pick a piece of furniture, write down it’s number, and call for a quote. 

More info to come as I get ahold of this savvy High Line neighbor…

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Zachary A. Martz
