Living in blue, Goodbye spring shopping budget

This is why i set myself a budget. I always do a mini bit of spring shopping.

Apr 2, 2016

Home > Blog > klout perk > Living in blue, Goodbye spring shopping budget
| #spring #shopping #haul

| This is why i set myself a budget. I always do a mini bit of spring shopping. I am pretty excited that my blue wardrobe is coming together! I’m almost a half year in and im still not bored. In fact, i am getting a bit more crafty. Finding new and crazier things, layering, putting patterns and hues together. #killingIt ~ Starting top row going down and then left ro right : Zara, Zara, Diesel, Zara, Diesel Black Gold. I think this accomplished my update for the month – not to mention blows my budget, haha. Keep an eye open and see you out and about wearing these blue gems.
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