Sunday Laduree macaroons & monsters

This post commemorates the third year in a row my good friend Mikey (@mcallan13) and I have met for some Macaroons and a leisurely stole down Madison Avenue to see the Holiday windows on 5th Avenue.

Nov 27, 2016

Home > Blog > bikes > Sunday Laduree macaroons & monsters
|@MaisonLaduree @TiffanyAndCo @Bergdorfs#macaroons #aloe #gold
| This post commemorates the third year in a row my good friend Mikey (@mcallan13) and I have met for some Laudree Macaroons and a leisurely stole down Madison Avenue to see the Holiday windows on 5th Avenue.

This “man” is a monster

This year Mikey and I ran into some difficulties with our attempt to view the seasonal windows on 5th avenue. Due to the election and “Donald Trump” we were forced to circumvent around barricades, swarming people, and security. The second of the front window at Tiffany’s was unable to be reached unless you traveled up two blocks and walked back down a one-way section of sidewalk. Needless to say, this was another absurd and annoying outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The Windows

The holiday windows were not the best I have seen over the years, but here are some highlights.

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Zachary A. Martz
