Doodily Doodily Doo – Desk Doodles

Everyone has those looooooooong standing meetings at work. When I need to focus on them and not have my brain melt, i do some doodles.

Nov 4, 2020

Home > Blog > Art > Doodily Doodily Doo – Desk Doodles
Everyone has those looooooooong standing meetings at work. When I need to focus on them and not have my brain melt, i do some doodles. They don’t always turn out to be outstanding nor do the often turn out to be actual objects, but they keep my brain from over heating.
blue doodle flower

I have been using my Strathmore sketch pad and blue sharpies at my desk-side right now. I really like the combination of the sharpie color richness and the way the Strathmore paper absorbs the ink. Regardless, I’ve been starting at some fall flowers that have been rotating out on my kitchen counter and that has driven several pages of the doodles.

blue doodle pattern

I hope you liked some of the examples i showcased above. This offers a window into my multi-tasking brain and what turns out. If you have any other ideas on what you do when you are in long meetings let me know! I might give them a try.

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Zachary A. Martz
