Playtime with my new Xmas gift

Some things never get old, even as you grow up. Getting excited about Christmas gifts is one of those things. I have always been an artist.

Dec 25, 2020

Home > Blog > Art > Playtime with my new Xmas gift


Some things never get old, even as you grow up. Getting excited about Christmas gifts is one of those things. I have always been an artist. When I received an iPad this year, it allowed me to find that part of myself again.

The first thing I did was download Procreate. Just like a kid who has been given a new toy, I did not really read any instructions, I went straight to trying things out for myself. I played with textures, movement, and colors which led to freeform creating. The final product was a doodled winter scene brought to life with nature in navy blue, and a peach colored background with pops of mint green. It was the perfect representation of all the creativity that was happening on that cold, winter day.

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Zachary A. Martz
