Massage Time, an At-Home Act of Self-Care

A few years ago, even pre-Covid, Angel and I became interested in general wellness, which led us to an interest in massages.

Jun 13, 2021

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A few years ago, even pre-Covid, Angel and I became interested in general wellness, which led us to an interest in massages. We became invested in self-care; taking time to center ourselves and focus on our health, instead of a constant preoccupation with stress from a life in the city, our jobs. Trying to clear one’s mind takes effort.

Both of our companies encouraged an interest in wellness, including a stipend that could be used on anything from bikes to massages. For a while, we went to a few spas and studios, but it became hard to schedule around other engagements. We soon learned you could book at-home treatments through apps. We started to use Zeal on a regular basis, scheduling massage therapists to come to our residence. They either bring their own table with them or if you have one yourself, you get a discount.

After about ten massages with massage therapists we liked, we decided to invest in our own table. Now we have a nice set-up for our at-home therapy. You’ll see Peleton in the back, as well as a piano. This is an office by day and an all-purpose, comprehensive wellness room by night.

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Zachary A. Martz
