
iPhone 5 with IOS7-Beta2 | I admit defeat…

My iPhone 4 finally bit it and althought I know there will probably be an announcement for iPhone 6 within days now that I bought a 5… but oh well…  I just want to say I actually love the multitasking, the ability to have one screen with all my apps,...

Eastsport Website Simple Responsive Design

Eastsport Website Simple Responsive Design ORGANIZATION MISSION:[WEBSITE]Affordable High-Quality Backpacks :: “Our Bags - Your Life”DESIGN:Simple flat layout design with shallow color pallet and homepage slideshows.• 100% Responsive design -...

My Temporary Shoji Wall So here is the story - I had an extra room that was too small for a couch and table, but too big to be a closet or office. So I decided to put an Ikea futon in it and make it a secondary bed room. However, the room only had 3...