
Broken Human Skill

This is the last of my found works form High School - Drawing of a real human skull This poor girl was a skeleton that was donated to Daniel Boon Area High School. She’s been drawn for the past 5-10 years and has been roughed up a bit. My class called her...

Uccello Rosso

Featured work by Miles DeCoster Associate Professor in the Communication Design Department at Kutztown University Studio artist at the GoggleWorks in Reading, Pennsylvania President of the Nation of Nezúmi Founding member of the Philadelphia UnionMiles DeCoster is...


LAMPS This is a photo taken for my Intorduction to Black and White Photograpy class. Work scanned in. This is my first attempt at developing film and prints. REAL PHOTOGRAPHY - NOT DIGITAL February 7, 2008 -...


Life drawing homework. Show both legs thigh down, one obsured and one full length and foreshortening. Charcoal and yellow conte crayon. November 26, 2007 - via(Reson-Detra)