
Two Boys Kissing

This book was a was pretty good for many reasons, not to mention being an easy read and for YA literature it is pretty grounded. The book is a good fictional view on real issues that young gays face. Touching on everything from coming out to...

Light dinner at Enid’s

Light dinner at Enid’s A light dinner with Mac n’ Cheese + Salad + Prosecco - Reading “Two boys kissing” by David Levithan - It’s a pretty relaxing evening. | ??☕️ | Read Insta-comments ->...

A Wild Sheep Chase – Haruki Murakami

It has been a while since a book was suggested to me, let alone a recommendation that came after explaining the way my life works… but there it was. As the book was described to me, it was a “very easy read”. The polt was not half bad, the flow...

Idea Cloud #1 || 09/18/2011 || 1:32 PM

Idea Cloud #1 || 09/18/2011 || 1:32 PM So i’ve been going out each weekend for a coffee, at Verbe Cafe, and to write down some ideas in my sketch book… This time around I really didn’t have any goals so I decided to do some random...

would be better if it wasn’t purple…. maybe (via jalepins)