
Pokemon XY pre – dinner

Pokemon XY pre - dinner Just a little lunch at Del Frisco’s Grill before we go buy Pokemon XY! I’m so excited. I think the last time i was this excited for Pokemon was when i bought yellow! HAHA | ???⭐️ | Read Insta-comments ->...

Nights - night? Night out with the guys in the Eastvillage. Sadly we did not get to goto all the parties I had scooped out but at least I was able to see Andrew Ayres working the door at Webster Hall. He have me this awesome Donald Duck skinned Mickey mouse ears!...

Besties Z and B

Besties Z and B This is my Best friend Zach F. and my new friend Brent C.Zach and Brent have been besties for years now and wanted me to take some photos of them. Here is the start of the photo sets!BFFs (yea brother)![[More to Come]] by...

OZ RainWalk

OZ RainWalk This is a set of photos taken on a very humid and very late night walk with my friend the OZ (other Zach). This was right after a down poor....

The Passion 2 – 2006 – Chrisssyboy

(mixed media) (594X840 mm) Models: Antoine and Frederic Bio: Chrisssyboy, an androgynous Peter Pan, bluntly questions the audience on their own fantasies, phobias, fears and frustrations by manipulating, torturing, mutilating and objectifying his own body and soul....