
21st Century Farm House

21st Century Farm House My parents have been on a huge renovation kick at my childhood home. I’m pretty proud because all of the improvements have been eco-friendly and more energy efficient! As seen above - New heating and hot water system (yellow)...

Peach Blossom at Dusk

Peach Blossom at Dusk Taken in Douglassville, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Camera: Canon EOS Digital REBEL Focal Length: 200 F stop: 7.1 Exposure: 1/250

Burning Fall Daylight

Nothing is better then a fall bonfire! - Orange on Orange on Yellow on Brown Missed out on “Idea Cloud” this weekend to be at home for some work. However I will not miss out on the photo posts Douglassville, Pennsylvania, 2011 Hipstamatic...

Planning wood @ Parents

Planning wood @ Parents This weekend I went home to help my family with some work around the house. Among fixing my grandmother’s computer I also helped my dad plane some wood for the overhangs of the new roof we will have done to replace the old...