
Idea Cloud #8 || 11/12/2011 || 2:23 PM

Idea Cloud #8 || 11/12/2011 || 2:23 PM Missed posting this Idea Cloud on the exact day, but I want to keep this up so here goes it. Was very side tracked with this one and worked on it periodically all weekend - it the most scatter brained collection of...

Broken Human Skill

This is the last of my found works form High School - Drawing of a real human skull This poor girl was a skeleton that was donated to Daniel Boon Area High School. She’s been drawn for the past 5-10 years and has been roughed up a bit. My class called her...


Life drawing homework. Show both legs thigh down, one obsured and one full length and foreshortening. Charcoal and yellow conte crayon. November 26, 2007 - via(Reson-Detra)