my work

Me & The dark Hall

Me & The dark Hall Edited by Blair Anthony Golden back in the day… when we had a passion for wasting time and being creative … lolBefore the Hipstamatic iPhone app & Before the Lomo Camera at Urban...

Broken Human Skill

This is the last of my found works form High School - Drawing of a real human skull This poor girl was a skeleton that was donated to Daniel Boon Area High School. She’s been drawn for the past 5-10 years and has been roughed up a bit. My class called her...

Atom Stem Wash

Atom Stem Wash This is my pop-art attempt back in HS… Just a little half-tone pattern at hight contrast - LOL! I’m not sure i like the pink/purple though…

Barn Light

I took this back in 2007 with camera self-timer in my barn The Early 1900s steamboat trunk behind me I received from my high school art teacher - T-shirt from Jimmy-Z


LAMPS This is a photo taken for my Intorduction to Black and White Photograpy class. Work scanned in. This is my first attempt at developing film and prints. REAL PHOTOGRAPHY - NOT DIGITAL February 7, 2008 -...