
Color Palettes

Color Palettes Taken walking between Williamsburg and Greenpoint - Brooklyn, New York - Warehouse Area Hipstamatic Settings Lens: Lucas AB2 Film: Cano Cafenol Flash: Off

Idea Cloud #1 || 09/18/2011 || 1:32 PM

Idea Cloud #1 || 09/18/2011 || 1:32 PM So i’ve been going out each weekend for a coffee, at Verbe Cafe, and to write down some ideas in my sketch book… This time around I really didn’t have any goals so I decided to do some random...

Bicycle skeleton

Bicycle skeleton Dismemberd and broken skeleton of what use to be a bike washed up on the shores of the east river in Williamsburg Brooklyn New York.

On the EDGE

New East River Ferry Peer in BK - river side of the EDGE buildings They also had the Williamsburg flea market right aside

15 West 39th Street

The street Midtown Manhattan Forgot | This is in the lobby of the building i work in. (Turn of the century typography)

The Disease of Civilization

The Disease of Civilization Yet another glowing representation of New Jersey… a tumor on the land! The safest way to avoid Jersey is to go around - when push comes to shove, fly over and feel a bit sick