
My childhood home!

My childhood home! I was doing some landscaping with my mom and dad today. Adler 9009 Lens, Dylan Film, Pop Rox Flash, Taken with Hipstamatic

My Parents front Garden

So my parent’s home improvement projects continue by re landscaping the front flower garden. They aren’t finished yet but they already have built a raised box around the cheery tree, added some new flower pots and added a ceramic alligator and loch ness...

KU Designathon 2012

Designathon: 24-hour event where teams of volunteer Communication Design students along with professors and alumni, design and produce pro-bono creative works for non-profits. I had the chance to work with and direct this talented group of young designers. KU...

21st Century Farm House

21st Century Farm House My parents have been on a huge renovation kick at my childhood home. I’m pretty proud because all of the improvements have been eco-friendly and more energy efficient! As seen above - New heating and hot water system (yellow)...

Summer Flood

Taken in Pottstown, PA after the flood in May of 2007 (schuylkill river) This is actually a baseball field at Memorial Park

Peach Blossom at Dusk

Peach Blossom at Dusk Taken in Douglassville, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Camera: Canon EOS Digital REBEL Focal Length: 200 F stop: 7.1 Exposure: 1/250