
UFO – Room Light

Just testing out the new lens on my Hiptamatic iPhone app … LOL - thats the ceiling light in my bedroom Hipstamatic Settings

How life collects

It’s strange to think in my sophomore year of hight school I was asked to build a collage of junk material and then create a still-life sketch from it. I remember scouring my house and not being able to find anything so i went out to the barn. I ended up...

Me at Platform 9 and ¾

Me at Platform 9 and ¾ So while in London 2009, visiting my friend Arek, I decided to try and see this Harry Potter Non-sense at Kings Cross - and that was that…

Barn Light

I took this back in 2007 with camera self-timer in my barn The Early 1900s steamboat trunk behind me I received from my high school art teacher - T-shirt from Jimmy-Z

The Disease of Civilization

The Disease of Civilization Yet another glowing representation of New Jersey… a tumor on the land! The safest way to avoid Jersey is to go around - when push comes to shove, fly over and feel a bit sick

Rain Stairs Down

Rain Stairs Down This is just the mood that I was in at the time. I really like how dark the pools of rain were… - Taken in Brooklyn,NY - June 2011 lens : Helga Viking film : Blanko Noir