

Idea Cloud #12 || 12/12 /2011 || 10:30 PM

Idea Cloud #12 || 12/12 /2011 || 10:30 PM Sorry for the delayed posts - just been crazy with holiday things. I’ve been really wrapped up in simple patterns recently - this time they are in a spiral. Random Items:: NONE...

Idea Cloud #5 || 10/22/2011 || 1:02 PM

Idea Cloud #5 || 10/22/2011 || 1:02 PM This Idea Cloud happened to take a little longer to post. I had a very stressful week both at home and at work (both work related) and now i’m just catching up and getting ready for Halloween Weekend! These...

Idea Cloud #4 || 10/09/2011 || 3:29 PM

Ok with this post i’ve caught up from my missed post last week. I know these sketches aren’t exactly quality but they are just a nice distraction from sitting in the apartment and staring at all of my web design work. It’s the equivalent to free...

Idea Cloud #1 || 09/18/2011 || 1:32 PM

Idea Cloud #1 || 09/18/2011 || 1:32 PM So i’ve been going out each weekend for a coffee, at Verbe Cafe, and to write down some ideas in my sketch book… This time around I really didn’t have any goals so I decided to do some random...

fuckyeahtypography: laureola: Let’s pretend we don’t exist by Laura Serra pencils and pencils of course. Mostly 3H and H, for the darker parts...