
32 Days of Donald Drinks! Cheers!

For the second year I am displaying a portion of my Donald Duck collection. This year’s theme is Drinks and Glasses. | This mug i call Darth-Donald. Every collection needs a Star Wars variant! | See more with tag #donald duck and more of my collection...

Wiki Galaxy

Wiki Galaxy | @wikipedia @chromelabs #space #galaxy | VIEW | VIDEO From the Author: An interactive visualization of Wikipedia articles as a galaxy of stars. Relevant articles are grouped together into clusters of stars, creating a constellation of human...

the-star-stuff: A Field Guide to Alien Planets (January 10, 2011) Alien planets come in all shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, these planets — known to astronomers as exoplanets or extrasolar planets — orbit stars outside our solar system, but there...


BLUE SPACE “This is one of my favorite Space Shuttle pictures. I took it over Long Island (The other Long Island) as the last Space Shuttle to fly (Atlantis) approached the International Space Station” Credit: Ron...