upper west side

Brunch with Kevin Bacon

Brunch with Kevin Bacon It’s been a charmed summer - In the last 2 weeks not only have I had brunch next to Kevin Bacon - I have had drinks next to Whitney Cummings… | ☕️ | Read Insta-comments ->...

Huge mussels

Continuing my mussel tour of NYC with Alba this time we sat down at a place with a tropical parrot at the next table… Machiavelli on 85th and Columbus on the Upper West Sitde. Decent taste and broth, but HUGE mussels! | ?☕️ | Read Insta-comments ->...

@thehouseofayres need

@thehouseofayres need Photoshoot with an 80s work-out theme on the UWS. In a $1.3M apt. (of which we got to stay the night in a huge. huge. huge. bed) I say more? | ??? | Read Insta-comments ->...

Central Park West (Taken with Instagram at Central Park West)