
Peppercomm Hedgefund Website Iterations 

| @peppercomm #design #hedgefund #website |Peppercomm Hedgefund Website Iterations.Bootstrap framework - everything is 100% responsiveCSS Animations for on/off screen NOTE:: All Images are placeholders and are not owned/created by me. This is not the final site it...

BODHI at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week for JOOR

BODHI at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week for JOORFashion Week might very well be coming to an end but the fun and furry lives on!! Yesterday the lovely and adorable Meagan and Zach from the BODHI Art & Web Department made a splash at the JOOR event inside...

KU Designathon 2012

Designathon: 24-hour event where teams of volunteer Communication Design students along with professors and alumni, design and produce pro-bono creative works for non-profits. I had the chance to work with and direct this talented group of young designers. KU...

Spiderweb Trees in Pakistan

Spiderweb Trees in Pakistan Photograph courtesy Russell Watkins, U.K. Department for International Development Seen in December 2010, a young girl stands next to a tree covered in spider webs in Sindh, Pakistan, near the intersection of two roads that had...

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things [Infographic] Knowledge is power - the more we know the more we can grow as a people - like the first book publications it’ll be a little rocky and expensive but overtime will change for the better (via The Internet of Things...